In September 2023,  our project organized the a one day event called “Thessaloniki Data Economy Day”. This event brought together professionals, experts, and enthusiasts to explore the role of data in our evolving world.

The event kicked off a keynote session featuring Stathis Konstantinidis, the Vice Minister of Interior, Sector of Macedonia & Thrace, and Maria Karagianni, the Deputy Mayor of Culture and Tourism, and Chair of MDAT S.A. Their insights set the tone for the event, offering valuable perspectives on the significance of data in Greece and in Europe

Following Richard Lloyd Stevens, the Project Coordinator from IDC4EU, took the stage to provide a brief introduction to the UPCAST project. This was followed by a warm welcome and moderation in Greek by George Konstantinidis, the Scientific Coordinator from the University of Southampton, who guided the audience through the event’s agenda and ensured a seamless flow of discussions throughout the day.


Data Economy Use Cases:

The first part of the event was dedicated to exploring real-world applications of data in various sectors. The UPCAST pilots connected to the region presented their work, with additional speakers representing Horizon Europe projects taking the floor to share their insights.

  • Charalampos Bratsas and Paraskevi Tarani from the Major Development Agency Thessaloniki S.A. and Open Knowledge Foundation Greece discussed “Data Economy and Climate Change Policymaking – The Case of Thessaloniki,” shedding light on the intersection of data and climate policy.
  • Anestis Stamatis and Alexandros Lemperos-Giannakos from CACTUS delved into “Digital Marketing in the Data Era,” emphasizing the evolving landscape of marketing in the digital age.
  • Milan Vuckovic of Nissatech Innovation Centre presented on “Fitness Data,” exploring the implications of data in the health and fitness industry.
  • Evdokimos Konstantinidis from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki introduced the “RAISE Project – Opening Science Data,” outlining initiatives to enhance open access to scientific data.
  • Vassilios Vescoukis from the National Technical University of Athens discussed “Data Infrastructures for Disaster Risk Management,” highlighting challenges and standards in building repositories for disaster-related data.

    Each presentation contributed to the diverse and comprehensive exploration of data’s impact across different domains.

    The second part of Thessaloniki Data Economy Day 2023 delved into the aspect of the event – a panel discussion focusing on the data economy in strategic sectors and domains of public interest. Esteemed panelists, including Savvas Rogotis from BDVA – Big Data Value Association, Olga Papadodima from the National Hellenic Research Foundation, Panagiotis Bamidis from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Nicos Komninos from URENIO Research (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), and Stavros Keppas from the Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), shared their expertise and insights. Moderated by George Konstantinidis, the discussion explored the challenges, opportunities, and future implications of the data economy across various sectors. At the end of the panel attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and  engage in a discussion.

    The event concluded with a reception, fostering networking and collaboration among participants.